Deck Cleaning and ProtectionIs your deck looking a bit grubby?Don't stress! Our deck cleaning services will get rid of all that built-up grime, leaving your deck fresh and clean. We offer a comprehensive deck cleaning and protection service that covers all your bases. Here's what you can expect: | ![]() |
Nails/Screw Sinking:Ever tripped over a nail or screw that's sticking out of your deck? Yeah, not fun. As part of our service, we'll go over your deck and make sure all nails and screws are sunk into the wood, keeping your deck safe and trip-free. | Board Replacement:Got a couple of boards that have seen better days? No worries. We'll replace any cracked, splintered, or just plain old boards to make sure your deck is in top-notch condition. |
Light Sanding / Orbital Sanding:Sanding isn't just for woodworkers; it's essential for keeping your deck smooth and splinter-free. Whether it needs just a bit of a touch-up (light sanding) or something more intense (orbital sanding), we've got the tools and know-how to get it done. | Deep Cleaning:Over time, decks can accumulate a fair bit of dirt, grime, and even mould. That's where our deep cleaning comes in. We'll scrub every inch of your deck to get it looking as good as new. |
Oil Application:Last, but not least, we'll apply a high-quality oil to your deck. This isn't just any oil; it's specially designed to protect your wood from the elements and keep it looking fresh for longer. |